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Animal Welfare: Animal Welfare in Extensive Production Systems (2016, Hardcover) download EPUB, MOBI


There has been a lot written about animal welfare in intensive farming systems, but very little about animals reared in extensive agricultural systems. Yet these animals make up a significant proportion of the world's farm animal population, covering a significant portion of the globe. Animals kept in extensive conditions face their own unique set of challenges that are vital for anyone with an interest in farm animal welfare to understand. Animal Welfare in Extensive Production Systems presents those challenges in a practical way, backed up with thoroughly referenced research. Topics covered include heat stress, water quality and availability, nutrition, predation, poisonous plants, transport, human-animal interactions, and neonatal mortality. This book is ideal for animal welfare academics, students and researchers. It can also be beneficial to students in animal science, veterinary science and agriculture and to farm industry producers and personnel. The Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre (FAWEC) is based at the School of Veterinary Science of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). FAWEC works with farmers, veterinarians and the livestock sector in general to improve farm animal welfare. Its main activity is to provide practical, science-based training and education on the welfare of farm animals. Further information on FAWEC can be found at Juan Villalba is the editor of the book and Associate Professor at the Wildland Resources Department, Utah State University, USA.

Book - Animal Welfare: Animal Welfare in Extensive Production Systems (2016, Hardcover) EPUB, FB2, PDF

The corpses were laid bare; the facts carefully recorded, sometimes in type and often by hand.This book tackles both the nuts and bolts of food preservation, as well as the host of broader issues tied to the creation of local diets.Based on wide-ranging and imaginative research, Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots stands as a major contribution to the history of human-animal relations, eighteenth-century culture, and French colonialism., In 1775, a visitor to Laurent Spinacuta's Grande M�nagerie at the annual winter fair in Paris would have seen two tigers, several kinds of monkeys, an armadillo, an ocelot, and a condor-in all, forty-two live animals.Tackling the subject of home from a variety of perspectives, Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran thus shows the interplay between local aspirations, foreign influences, gender roles, consumer culture and women's education as they intersect with taste, fashion, domestic architecture and interior design., Exploring the process of Iran's modernization through the double lens of domesticity and consumer culture, Pamela Karimi demonstrates the extent to which the Iranian house has served as the place of encounter with the "other" and of reconsideration of the nation as "home." Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran examines the interplay between native aspirations, foreign influences, gender roles, consumer culture and women's education as they intersect with taste, fashion, domestic architecture and interior design in modern Iran.Vara Neverow is Professor of English and Women's Studies, English Department, Engleman Hall, Southern Connecticut State University.Alibaba's business-to-business e-commerce platform reduces coordination costs to boost efficiency in China's economy.In need of government assistance and supplemental income, Ruth and her siblings are carted back and forth between Mexico and the United States, where her mother collects welfare and her stepfather works a variety of odd jobs.Lance Dodes exposes the deeply flawed science that the 12-step industry has used to support its programs.Popular music festivals are one of the strikingly successful and enduring features of seasonal popular cultural consumption for young people and older generations of enthusiasts.Self and Identity; Language and Translation; Culture and Commodification; Human, Animal and Nonhuman; and Genders, Sexualities and Multiplicities, the essays represent the most recent scholarship on the subjective, provisional, and contingent nature of Woolf's work.Throughout, ideas of consumer culture and gender are at its core, but other important socio-political subjects are examined in order to view Iran's modernization through the prism of its people's private lives.Let's Cook French is a magical introduction to some of the most delicious French classics.This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of economics, sustainability and environmental studies in general., This book explores the reason why endless growth economy is fundamentally unsustainable and considers ways in which society can move beyond this to a steady state economy.