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Read online book - Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European : Methods, Results, and Problems (2009, Hardcover) DJV, DOC, MOBI

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"Section Papers from the XVI International Conference on Historical Linguistics held at the University of Copenhagen. Irene Balles: The Old Indic cvi construction, the Caland system, and the PIE adjective Brigitte L. M. Bauer: Residues as an aid in internal reconstruction Vit Bubenik: On the expression of spatio-temporal locations in Late Proto- Indo-European Gerd Carling: Reconsidering the system: verbal categorization and the coding of valency in Tocharian Paul S. Cohen: On the etymology of Latin optumus / optimus and the reflex of PIE *H2o- Sabine Husler: Genitive and adjective primary parts of the Proto-Indo- European language-system? John Hewson: Tmesis and anastrophe: the beginnings of configuration in Indo-European languages Eugen Hill: Zur Rekonstruktion des urindogermanischen Konjuktivs zu athematischen Verbalstmmen (vorlufige Mitteilung) Adam Hyllested: Internal reconstruction vs. external comparison: the case of the Indo-Uralic laryngeals Jay Jasanoff: *-bhi, *-bhis, *-, Text in English & German. The present volume contains selected papers from a symposium on Internal Reconstruction in Indo- European: Methods, Results and Problems, which formed a subsection of the 16th International Conference on Historical Linguistics held at the University of Copenhagen. This is one of the first international conferences ever to deal with internal reconstruction. Internal reconstruction is what the historical linguist resorts to when the possibilities of more traditional comparative reconstruction have been exhausted. This is certainly the case at the level of the protolanguage: when Proto-Indo-European has been reconstructed on the basis of a painstaking comparative analysis of the entire data field drawing on the full range of extant lE languages, there are quite often questions still left unanswered. Comparable methods can be applied to later stages of the language where the immediate prehistory is not accessible or a corroboration is wanted. Today, internal reconstruction is routinely applied at all levels of historical linguistic analysis as one of the tools that open up the linguistic prehistory. The papers published illustrate the full range of the phenomenon of internal reconstruction., The articles in the book discuss the perspectives as well as the problems related to the method of internal reconstruction. It thus offers a rich overview of one of the most important fields in historical linguistics today. The authors, renowned scholars in the field, are united in the ambition to shed light on the possibility to uncover the older stages of the history of a language through algebraic analysis and without the comparison to other languages. The collection of articles shows the strength of this technique concerning a range of classical problem fields within each Indo-European language and language group (Greek, Latin, Germanic, Old Irish, Tokharian), and also in the analysis of the Indo-European proto-language. Among other things the articles discuss the possibility of observing similarities with other language families., This volume contains selected papers from a symposium on "Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European: Methods, Results and Problems," which formed a subsection of the 16th International Conference on Historical Linguistics held at the University of Copenhag

Book Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European : Methods, Results, and Problems (2009, Hardcover) by MOBI, FB2

This book recognizes the difficulty world language educators face to achieve the goals of the MLA report, particularly at beginning levels of instruction in target language use classrooms.Why will learning Chinese be a breeze?They called this ancestor Indo-Germanic (known today as Indo-European) and claimed that its descendants are all related to one another by varying degrees of closeness.For teachers who are new to the classroom or the standards, the Study Guides introduce them not only to Eureka Math but also to the content of the grade level in a way they will find manageable and useful.The volume covers three main areas in TESOL study: the impact of learner needs; language context and culture; learning and teaching approaches; knowledge of language and its impact on methods, from individual words to whole texts; and multiple literacies and competences for modern-day scenarios, including academic and web literacy and sociocultural and intercultural competence.The book also deals with direct classroom applications of corpora, with sections on pedagogic corpora and data-driven learning.With a strong focus on system thermal hydraulics (SYS TH), the book provides a detailed, yet approachable, presentation of current approaches to reactor thermal hydraulic analysis, also considering the importance of this discipline for the design and operation of safe and efficient water-cooled and moderated reactors.