Special Forces Fitness Training : Gym-Free Workouts to Build Muscle and Get in Elite Shape by Augusta DeJuan Hathaway download book MOBI, TXT, FB2


AN INTENSE TRAINING PROGRAM TO ATTAIN THE STRENGTH, STAMINA AND DEXTERITY OF A SPECIAL FORCES SOLDIER Do you have what it takes to be a special ops soldier? To be a member of the military's most elite units-Navy SEALs, Marine Force Recon, Army Rangers or Green Berets-you must be in phenomenal condition, able to endure high levels of physical and mental stress. In this book, author Augusta DeJuan Hathaway shows how to get in the best shape of your life using the program he developed as a strength and conditioning specialist for the U.S. military special forces.Be prepared to go all in or go home! Special Forces Fitness Training presents gym-free regimens that challenge you to train like a bad-ass. With the 30 hardcore workouts in this book you will: - Develop massive strength - Increase speed & agility - Extend fatigue threshold - Improve balance & flexibility - Boost mental fortitude, Just like professional athletes, elite soldiers receive special training to acquire amazing speed, agility, strength, balance, endurance, flexibility, reactions, and physical and mental resilience. "Special Forces Fitness Training" provides civilians with a program for achieving these same top physical capabilities. Developed by a strength and conditioning coach for the United States Armed Forces, this program was designed for real-world application. No part of the program requires gym equipment: readers can do the 120 tough exercises and 20 exciting workouts in any location, at any time. Like soldiers staying fit on deployment at barren outposts, exercise enthusiasts can use the program to get ripped in their home. This intense training manual equips beginning, intermediate, and advanced-level athletes with the "orders" they need to improve their head-to-toe fitness and hone an intimidating physique. With detailed photos for each exercise, this guide is all a civilian requires to achieve top military-level conditioning.

Read Special Forces Fitness Training : Gym-Free Workouts to Build Muscle and Get in Elite Shape MOBI, DOC, FB2

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